Tag: MAG Vault

Ryan Buick MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 12.8 Execution Score: -.8 Total Score: 12 Judge Comment: the landing

Joe Bajek MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 12.2 Execution Score: -1.5 Total Score: 10.7 Judge Comment: putting hands down cost as fall

Joey DiRienzo MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 12.4 Execution Score: -.8 Total Score: 11.6 Judge Comment: loose through out

Malcolm Moore MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 13.2 Execution Score: -.7 Total Score: 12.5 Judge Comment: bent knees in the middle / why ?

Zach Cipra MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 12.2 Execution Score: -.6 Total Score: 11.6 Judge Comment: feet apart / big step

John Mashburn MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 13.2 Execution Score: -.7 Total Score: 12.5 Judge Comment: chest low

Tyson Grover MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 14.0 Execution Score: -.8 Total Score: 13.2 Judge Comment: landing outside the lines

Alek Skankey MAG Vault 2020 February Competition

Competition Level: NCAA Difficulty Score: 14.1 Execution Score: -.7 Total Score: 13.4 Judge Comment: Nice/legs off board