Amanda Moore Uneven Bars 2021 NAIGC March Mad-nastics
Competition Level: Xcel Diamond Start Value: 10.0 Total Score: 9.3 Judge Comment: Nice work! Keep working the cast to really hit that H/S.
Competition Level: Xcel Diamond Start Value: 10.0 Total Score: 9.2 Judge Comment: Nice routine. Smart adding the extra jump after the wobble on the straddle. Keep working to make those a little bigger. Small wobbles here and there, but great routine!
Competition Level: Xcel Diamond Start Value: 10.0 Total Score: 9.4 Judge Comment: Great second vault! Try to get the twist around a little quicker to be sure it is completed and prepare for landing.
Competition Level: Xcel Diamond Start Value: 10.0 Total Score: 9.5 Judge Comment: Great routine! Beautiful first pass. Work on switch leap and shushunova at end of routine.