Competition Level: WAG USAG Xcel Silver
Start Value: 10.0
Total Score: 9.0
Judge Comment: Nice job! Keep working on being comfortable on the beam to move a little smoother/faster through the routine. Work on straighter arms on dismount and knees on the roll. I would try to land on one knee bent in a style roll if you can. They tend to have a little less deduction, show straight legs and then land on one knee bent and other leg straight pointed down.
Start Value: 10.0
Total Score: 9.0
Judge Comment: Nice job! Keep working on being comfortable on the beam to move a little smoother/faster through the routine. Work on straighter arms on dismount and knees on the roll. I would try to land on one knee bent in a style roll if you can. They tend to have a little less deduction, show straight legs and then land on one knee bent and other leg straight pointed down.