Alana Morgan Beam 2021 NAIGC March Mad-nastics

Competition Level: WAG NAIGC Level 8
Start Value: 9.5
Total Score: 7.8
Judge Comment: Great beam work. I am going to explain lots with Level 8 here. So D skills are not allowed in Level 8 - The switch side leap is a D and has a .5 deduction for illegal skill. You also can't use a handstand to fulfill the series requirement in Level 8. - so you have no acro series. Add a walk over or you could do the back tuck out of the handspring. Also only one C acro is allowed including the dismount and you have 2 (back tuck and front full dismount). So 1.0 is off in illegal skills plus no acro series. Feel free to email if you have any other questions about routine construction.