Tag: North Georgia Reign Gymnastics

Hana Caner Uneven Bars 2021 NAIGC March Mad-nastics

Competition Level: NAIGC Developmental Start Value: 10.0 Total Score: 9.15 Judge Comment: Good job! Try to keep legs together in pull over and squeeze tight on cast and backhip into a striaghter line. Good job!

Hana Caner Beam 2021 NAIGC March Mad-nastics

Competition Level: NAIGC Developmental Start Value: 10.0 Total Score: 9.4 Judge Comment: Nice routine. Great posture- keep working on making leap bigger and stag jump. Focus on getting dismount to a nice strong handstand you can hold. Awesome work.

Hana Caner WAG Vault 2021 NAIGC March Mad-nastics

Competition Level: NAIGC Developmental Start Value: 9.0 Total Score: 8.45 Judge Comment: Wow! Great, I had not seen this vault done well on this table. Try to get flatter hips/heel drive on pre flight. Great job! Very unique 🙂

Hana Caner WAG Floor 2021 NAIGC March Mad-nastics

Competition Level: NAIGC Developmental Start Value: 10.0 Total Score: 9.4 Judge Comment: Very graceful routine! Good job. Little .1 deductions for low chest or body position on leaps. Overall a great job!